Maximize Productivity with Petrobench

Discover the full potential of your data with Petrobench’s comprehensive suite of advanced features. From data import and organization to visualization and analysis, we have the tools you need.

The leading well design Platform

Streamline Your Workflow with Petrobench

Well Management

Streamline well data management and analysis with the Well Data Module. With features like data visualization, export options, and secure access, it's the ultimate tool for optimizing well performance.

User Management

Protect your platform with the Petrobench User Management module. Manage user accounts, enforce password policies, and provide password reset functionality. Ensure authorized access only.

Company Management

Effortlessly manage user accounts, access rights, and licenses with the Company module. Keep your platform secure with custom role and permission assignments, access management, and license key management.

Explore the platform


Experience seamless collaboration on the Petrobench platform. Share wells and work together on comparisons and simulations to make informed decisions.


Experience unparalleled shareability on the Petrobench platform. Easily share wells, access resources, and information in a seamless fashion.


Unlock the full potential of your well data with the advanced analytics of the Petrobench platform. Easily access, analyze and evaluate your wells

Cloud Based

Petrobench is the first cloud-based well design platform, revolutionizing the industry with its innovative technology.


Feel confident with the secure, compliant Petrobench platform. Our top-rated measures, including SOC III, GDPR, and PSD2, protect your sensitive information.

API Integrations

Maximize your efficiency with Petrobench's API integrations. Easily export well data, simulations, and comparisons to optimize your wells.

The Well Platform of the future

Petrobench is the premier well design platform of the future, delivering unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, and innovation to the oil and gas industry.